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L141 - gabbro
Hand Specimen
Very dark grey, coarse-grained rock, typical grain size 1-2 mm.
Main mineral phases are black clinopyroxene, greenish olivine and pale grey feldspar. The rock is cross-cut by a small number of hairline white veins.
Main mineral phases are black clinopyroxene, greenish olivine and pale grey feldspar. The rock is cross-cut by a small number of hairline white veins.
Plagioclase feldspar
- Tabular phenocrysts making-up ~50% of the rock. Characteristic lamellar twinning. Some are zoned.
- Phenocrysts have been extensively altered, rendering them almost unrecognisable. The olivine has decomposed to magnetite and serpentine. Relict olivine grains display characteristic curving cracks and euhedral form.
Clinopyroxene (augite)
- Interstitial grains making-up ~35% of the rock. Poikilitic texture. Inclined extinction. Interference colours from first order pink to second order orange. Pale grey under plane polarised light. Some simple twinning.
Accessory minerals
- Opaque, interstitial, probably magnetite.
Rock History
Coarse grained → slowly cooled, intrusive.
Hydrothermal alteration of olivine after crystallisation of the rock.
Rock Name