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Plagioclase feldspar
Na[AlSi3O8] – Ca[Al2Si2O8]
Framework silicate
Crystal System
Crystal system: triclinic (+) (-)
Physical Properties
Colour in hand specimen: white
Cleavage: two at 90°
Hardness: 6-6.5
Optical Properties
Colour in plane polarised light: colourless
Pleochroism: none
Relief: low
Birefringence: ~0.010, 1st order grey
Extinction: inclined
Twinning: lamellar, very common
Mineral Specimens
M403 Plagioclase feldspar, oligoclase
Ytterby, Sweden
A cleavage fragment of white plagioclase feldspar
Pearly lustre on cleavage planes
Two sets of cleavage at 90°
Fine parallel striations due to lamellar twinning
M404 Plagioclase feldspar, labradorite
Dark grey, light where fragments are small due to cracking along cleavage
Schiller (blue iridescence), characteristic of labradorite
Very fine parallel striations due to lamellar twinning
Rock Specimens
Advanced Notes
Plagioclase feldspar forms a continuous solid solution between the sodic endmember (albite, or Ab) and the calcic endmember (anorthite, or An). The series is sub-divided into albite (An0-10), oligoclase (An10-30) andesine (An30-50), labradorite (An50-70), bytownite (An70-90) and anorthite (An90-100).
Mineral Name